Saturday, October 17, 2009

The robot

People, if you suddenly come up with a genius idea, here is the place to comment. So comment!


  1. I just came up with an idea! I was watching some videos and I saw this spring-like thing. You know those punching gloves when you press a button this spring thing comes out and pushes the glove. We could use that.

    I also came up with an idea for the wheels. We could put 2 big wheels and 2 small wheels in the front and a peg for the back.

  2. By the way the videos, I saw this big bucket that every time they picked something up, the robot threw it into the bucket so that it could keep going without taking a pit-stop to unload things.

  3. I think we should make a seperate attachment for all of the missions (e.g. a stick for the pylons, a special strong wall for the crash test, etc.). Also, comenting on hadp1's fist comment pt. 2, the peg at the back would create friction with the mat, which we don't want.

  4. hey people i have finally made the tripod with the ball and i made the base
